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(For Kidpreneurs only)


During the 1.5 - 2 hours workshop, the kids will be divided into groups (based on age category) to learn the basics of starting up a business. Through interactive activities, the Kidpreneurs will

  • Create a business idea

  • Name their business

  • Create a Slogan & Design a Logo

  • Define their customers

  • Create sales goals

  • Learn basic book-keeping (Finance management)

  • Plan their budget

  • Come up with a basic marketing plan that includes:

> Facebook Advertising Post – what message? What image? What details?

> Come up with a “Special Offer” promotion to be used at Bazaar

> Create their on-stage Sales Pitch


All Workshop Participants will get:

* A certificate

* A Kidpreneur badge

* A on-stage sales pitch opportunity


All Stall owners are entitled to ONE Workshop participant (Complimentary). Additional workshop participants will be charged participation fee.


NOTE: Only Kidpreneurs who have attended the workshop, will be allowed to go on stage for their Sales Pitch

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